What is a spot color?
A spot color is a pre-assigned color/shade that corresponds with the Pantone Matching System. Pantone is a series of colors with assigned numbers. This is the standard color system used throughout the printing industry.

What is a base?
A base is an underprint used on dark garments to achieve a bright, vibrant image on a garment.

What is process color?
Process color is blending of four primary colors (CMYK – Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) using a set of dots to create all the colors of the spectrum. Process color screen printing usually requires a more complex setup and higher costs, so we would like to review the project before quoting. As an alternative, we offer Direct-to-Garment printing with a few limitations and no setup costs.

Do you print in unusual locations on a garment?
Other than the standard locations, we have printed on almost every possible area on a garment.

What are my ink color choices?
We offer a wide variety of stock colors. We also offer ink matching to the Pantone Matching System for small fee.

Can the same image be applied to different garments?
Yes, but some medium and dark colored garments may require an additional screen for a base.

Can different types of garments be printed with the same image?
Most of the time the answer is yes but sometimes an additional charge may apply for synthetic materials.

Can you screen print on hats, visors, and beanies?
No. Hats, visors and beanies are only offer for embroidery.

Can I see a completed print before the job is run?
This is called a “press check”. A press check is only offered for larger quantities runs or complex jobs. A fee of 50.00 is required to schedule a press check and 50.00 per hour for every hour the press is setting idle.

Can I switch colors on part of my order?
Yes, a mid-run ink color change can be easily accommodated. A small charge of 10.00 per color, per location will be applied.

What is your maximum print area?
Standard Print – 13” W x 14” H

Over-Size Prints may be achieved by running two prints into one.
Additional charges may apply for over-sized prints.